Our Intergroup
Our Intergroup serves OA members in the greater Ann Arbor, Michigan area and throughout Northwest Ohio. Our purpose is to carry the message of recovery to those with the problem of eating compulsively by fostering the practice of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, guided by the Twelve Concepts of OA Service, and to serve and represent its member groups. We also support and liaise with regional and national OA.
Mission Statement
Greater Ann Arbor Area Intergroup is a service body of group representatives which:
- Supports meetings
- Promotes recovery through information, knowledge and resources
- Serves as a hub connecting groups, Region, World Service and the public
- Provides 12 Step outreach.
(adopted in 2020)
Visit the Bylaws page to download the Greater Ann Arbor Area Intergroup’s Bylaws.
Want to know more about being involved in the Greater Ann Arbor Area Overeaters Anonymous Intergroup? Check out the Position Guidelines we’ve created to help members understand the roles and responsibilities of this service body. We recommend you start with the A2OA IG Intergroup Rep Guidelines since the vast majority of our membership begins service at the Intergroup level in this role. Our Intergroup Voting Guidelines are also very informative.
Download guidelines for each service position:
- Intergroup Rep
- Chairman
- Public Outreach
- Online Communications
- Literature Coordinator
- Treasurer
- Finance Committee
- Secretary
- Intergroup Voting
Email us at
- chair@a2oa.org
- secretary@a2oa.org
- treasurer@a2oa.org
- literature@a2oa.org
- servicelist@a2oa.org
- onlinecommunications@a2oa.org
- webmaster@a2oa.org
- facebook@a2oa.org
- workshops@a2oa.org
- help@a2oa.org
OA Structure Guidelines
Download the Intergroup Structure Guidelines.
Intergroup Meetings
We ask each meeting to send a representative to Intergroup and encourage all members to attend meetings, especially those wishing to enhance their recovery by providing service. Currently, we meet on the third Monday of the month at 8:00 p.m. on Zoom. For more information, email chair@a2oa.org or ask your meeting’s contact person or your Intergroup representative. The Intergroup meetings are also listed on our meetings page.
We offer meetings every day of the week, several times a day. Please check our calendar to find a meeting near you. We suggest calling the meeting contact person for meetings that fall on major holidays. Many of us especially like to meet on those days.
We are part of Region 5 of Overeaters Anonymous. Please visit their website for additional information on activities and workshops available in our regional area.
2020 Day of Renewal Produces Abundant Results
In early 2020 Barb K, a Region 5 representative, created an online survey for us and lead us through a Day of Renewal based on the input from our members. Key results of the day can be found here and here. Special thanks to Barb K. Region 5 Representative, for her fantastic leadership and assistance. The Intergroup reviewed the Day of Renewal plan at the January 2021 meeting and note our 2020 Accomplishments
- Speaker’s list
- List of Sponsors
- Bylaws composed and approved by IG members and Region 5
- Transitioned to Zoom IG Meetings
- Support of Groups During Pandemic
- Successful Fall Workshop via Zoom
- Two people attended Regional Business Conference (virtually)
- Created Facebook Page
- Paid Facebook Campaign viewed by 16,000 people
- Reimaged Newsletter
2020 Additional Accomplishments
- Bylaws composed, approved by IG, membership and region
- Transitioned to Zoom IG Meetings
- Support of Groups During Pandemic
- Fall Workshop via Zoom with excellent reviews
- Two people attended Regional Business Conference (virtually)
- Created Facebook Page
- Began Facebook Campaign