Sunday Morning Coffee and Recovery Meeting
Sunday Morning Coffee and Recovery Meeting
Sunday Morning Coffee and Recovery Meeting Zoom Meeting – Every…
Open Meeting: Open to OA members and non-OA visitors. All meetings are considered open unless otherwise indicated.
Closed Meeting: Open to anyone with a desire to stop eating compulsively or anyone who thinks they may have a problem with compulsive overeating, this includes newcomers.
Special Focus Meetings: (gay and lesbian, women’s, 100-pounders, maintainers, anorexic/bulimic, etc.) are composed of individuals who feel they can more readily identify with fellow OAers with similar attributes.
Special Topic Meetings: (Big Book Study, Lifeline, Speaker, Newcomer, etc.) have a defined topic of discussion.
NOTE: Not all meetings have a Special Focus or Special Topic.
According to the Traditions, bylaws and policies of OA, the only requirement for OA membership is the desire to stop eating compulsively. We ask each person attending to respect the meeting’s group conscience. All registered meetings welcome and give a voice to any person who has the desire to stop eating compulsively.
Definition: all regular meetings regardless of focus/format
Sunday Morning Coffee and Recovery Meeting Zoom Meeting – Every…
Meet in the church's Fellowship Hall.  This meeting is a small…
Special topic: OA Second and/or Third Edition, Topic For login…
Please call the meeting contact Josh B. at 810-360-7967 for…
IMPORTANT: Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.…
IMPORTANT: This meeting will temporarily be held over the phone…
Sunday Morning Coffee and Recovery Meeting Zoom Meeting – Every…
Meet in the church's Fellowship Hall.  This meeting is a small…
Special topic: OA Second and/or Third Edition, Topic For login…
IMPORTANT: Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.…
Please call the meeting contact Josh B. at 810-360-7967 for…
IMPORTANT: This meeting will temporarily be held over the phone…
IMPORTANT: This meeting will temporarily be held over the phone instead of face to face. CALL-IN NUMBER: 425-436-6384, Â code 197296# Map Follow signs on St. Joseph Mercy Hospital campus to Specialty Centers area south of the hospital and the Reichert…
IMPORTANT: This meeting will temporarily be held over the phone instead of face to face. CALL-IN NUMBER: 978-990-5000, Â code 751714# Open Meeting Special topic: Literature, OA Steps and/or Traditions Study
"In-Person" only at New Meeting Venue, beginning 9/30 and now ongoing at: The Women's Health Center, on the Trinity Health Ann Arbor Campus 5320 Elliott Drive Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Suggested Parking in Parking Lot M. Enter at Main Entrance and…
Sunday Morning Coffee and Recovery Meeting Zoom Meeting – Every Sunday from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Eastern Time Zoom Meeting ID: 860 512 7192 Password: 7344665 Link: Dial In: +1 929 205 6099 Week 1: OA 12 x…
This is a hybrid meeting -- you are welcome to join us in person or via Zoom from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Join Zoom Meeting Zoom Meeting ID: 845 3356 1900Passcode: 707590 Each week members study an OA…
This meeting is a specifically secular friendly meeting and will be using all the traditional OA literature and meeting formats, with a focus on making agnostics, atheists, questioning, and believers all feel welcome and comfortable.
Special focus on newcomers (Please note that newcomers are welcome at every meeting. Family members and Health Care professionals may observe any meeting designated as "open." As a courtesy, please identify yourself as a family member or Health Care professional…
Meet in the church's Fellowship Hall.  This meeting is a small rural meeting and occasionally all members have other commitments. Please call the meeting contact in advance to ensure a meeting is indeed taking place. This meeting has OA literature for…
This is a hybrid meeting -- you are welcome to join us in person or via Zoom from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Join Zoom Meeting Zoom Meeting ID: 845 3356 1900Passcode: 707590 Literature study with a different program…
Special topic: OA Second and/or Third Edition, Topic For login details, call the contact person.
IMPORTANT: Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.…
IMPORTANT: This meeting will temporarily be held over the phone instead of face to face. CALL-IN NUMBER: 978-990-5000,  access code 344646# Hiltz Conference Room / First Floor Use the Main Entrance of the Hospital. Make a right and go to…
Please call the meeting contact Josh B. at 810-360-7967 for location details. The meeting is being held in person but the availability of space inside the church building varies, therefore the location may change as needed. (Meeting #56311)
Sunday Morning Coffee and Recovery Meeting Zoom Meeting – Every…
Ann Arbor Area Intergroup meetings take place the third Monday…
Meet in the church's Fellowship Hall.  This meeting is a small…
Special topic: OA Second and/or Third Edition, Topic For login…
IMPORTANT: This meeting will temporarily be held over the phone…
Please call the meeting contact Josh B. at 810-360-7967 for…
IMPORTANT: Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.…
Sunday Morning Coffee and Recovery Meeting Zoom Meeting – Every…
Meet in the church's Fellowship Hall.  This meeting is a small…
Special topic: OA Second and/or Third Edition, Topic For login…
IMPORTANT: Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.…
Please call the meeting contact Josh B. at 810-360-7967 for…
IMPORTANT: This meeting will temporarily be held over the phone…