Find a Phone Meeting just about ANY time!

Online Meetings are available as well:
Literature can be ordered online here:
Podcasts are FREE and easy to access:

2nd Sunday of the Month Virtual Workshops:
Upcoming Virtual Workshops: Download flyer 

Self-isolation to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus can save lives! But isolation for recovering compulsive eaters can be life threatening. Don’t forget to use the OA tools of phone calls and sponsorship to remain in contact with other members of the fellowship.

Don’t forget the 12 Steps. In times of anxiety or uncertainty, we can remind ourselves and each other that we’re powerless over food (and more), that a power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity, and that we can turn our day, our will, and our lives over to the care of that power.

Second Sunday e-Workshops: The Overeaters Anonymous Virtual Region hosts “The Second Sunday of the Month” e-WORKSHOP series on the second Sunday of each month. Come together the second Sunday of the month for rotating topics, brainstorming and sharing ideas that WORK. Learn more at:

Since the Shelter-in-Place orders were mandated, the Greater Ann Arbor Area Overeaters Anonymous Intergroup has been sending weekly emails through Constant Contact to interested members. Check out the experience, strength and hope shared by clicking on the links below. To receive future updates join the mailing list by clicking here.

Phone meetings require slightly different meeting information and the Saturday 10 a.m. meeting in Ann Arbor agreed to share their format to help others in our Intergroup. We are including both the Word and .pdf formats here so updates can easily be made for YOUR meetings!

Phone Meeting – PDF Phone Meeting – WORD

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